“I Am My Own Cheerleader”

"I am my own cheerleader, motivating myself to reach new heights and conquer every challenge that comes my way."
In the quiet of the morning light,
I search for a voice to guide me right.
But there's no one to say, "You're strong,
You'll get through this, it won't be long."

So I stand alone, with doubt and fear,
No one to wipe away my tears.
But I refuse to let my spirit dim,
I'll be my own cheerleader, from within.

I'll lift myself up with words of grace,
Pushing through every obstacle I face.
I'll strive for greatness, never giving in,
Because deep down, I know I can win.

With each new day, I'll start afresh,
Drawing strength from my inner mesh.
For the power that lies within me,
To make each day the best, it can be.

Warm Regards,


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