“A Granny’s Wish!”

"Gratitude turns what we have into enough. Let us cherish every blessing, big or small, and embrace a life filled with thankfulness."
On Granny's 90th birthday,
Her children, now in their 60s,
Inquired about her birthday wish.

"My wish list is vast," she replied,
"Your happiness, your health,
That's what I hold dear."

Granny smiled at her grandchildren,
Imagining futures of wellness,
Wealth and joy for their kin.

Reflecting on her years,
Granny counted her fulfilled dreams:
A loving spouse, children,
A cozy home, a car,
Luxuries that came her way.

Her children's triumphs
And growing families
Extended her list of blessings.
At 90, each day is a treasure.
32,850 days of life
Spun like golden threads.

Yet Granny saw clearly
Amidst her plenty
How often she'd miss
Thanking every single grace.

From this day onward,
Until her last breath,
Granny vowed gratitude
For all she'd been given
And everything is yet to unfold.

For Granny, no new wish—
Just an endless river
Of thanks
For the countless gifts
Received and awaited.

Warm Regards,


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